The Bikini category is for females only.
The Bikini category is ONE round only.
BIKINI -Attire
Bikini Competitors will be judged as follows:
Bikini should wear a stage bikini that shows off some of their glutes.
Must wear clear high heels a minimum of 3-4 inches high.
Bikini models can wear any colour bikini that they feel best suits them
BIKINI -Physique
Will have a 'softer' physique appearance to that of the competitors competing in the bikini trained category
Have a toned ,conditioned physique but do not need to display muscle maturity or be as lean as that of those competing in the bikini trained category.
Have conditioned abdominals but do not need to display a 4/6 pack as would be expected of bikini trained competitors.
Have good shaping to their shoulders and upper body but do not need to display capped shoulders or developed muscles in the back as would be expected of bikini trained competitors.
Should have conditioned legs both front & back.
Should have conditioned glutes achieved through weight training only.
Must not be excessively slim (over dieted look) and should display a healthy conditioned all over look
Bikini categories are as follows
18+ Open Class- All competitors aged 18 and over
*35+ Masters Class 1-All competitors aged 35 and over
*45+ Masters Class 2-All competitors aged 45 and over
Choose the appropriate age category based on your age ON THE DAY OF THE SHOW
You are free to enter both masters categories if your age on the day of the show allows you to.
Evidence of age WILL be required and will be verified at the athletes meeting.
Competitors who cannot verify their age by passport, photo ID or full (picture)drivers licence may only be permitted to compete in the OPEN CLASS
*We reserve the right to add classes together and judge overall as one class depending on i